UPDATE 29th July 2021 from Reconnecting Oxford. East Oxford says NO to road blocks

If you have not heard the good news, the Oxfordshire County Council released the East Oxford LTN Survey results, and we have comprehensively won. The results are displayed in the graphic above, a huge majority 'Strongly objected' or 'objected' to the LTN proposals. As reported in the Oxford Mail, EAST OXFORD SAYS NO TO ROAD BLOCKS. At the County Council decision meeting, the Cabinet respected democracy & did not proceed with proposed plan.
We believe there is now a clear mandate from the people that a proper re-consultation is required with all stakeholders at the table.
We wanted to say a big Thank You to everybody that supported and joined our campaign and voted against these damaging LTN proposals in the Oxfordshire County Council Survey. We were grateful for the overwhelming support we received from the vast majority of the good folk of East Oxford we met while out campaigning, leafleting and meeting people. We believe your support, the huge anti-LTN protest rally and our combined campaign with Business Groups led to this victory. The pro-LTN road closure lobby groups tried everything in their campaign - but we still won. Most people who responded to the Survey saw the LTNs for what they are - state sponsored bullying schemes that benefit the selfish few, and cause misery to the many.