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For social justice & inclusion -Let's Make St Mary's Flourish!
Policy Pledges
I have lived in St Mary’s for more than 40 years enjoying our shared sense of community and diversity.
I am standing in the Oxford City Council election to prevent divisive policies being imposed on our diverse community.
I support policies and investment to help people to cycle, walk and to use public transport. I oppose road barriers, cuts to bus services, and a failure to engage with people’s lives.
I will work alongside all those who want to make our roads safer and quieter - recognising that cars are still vital for many.
I oppose LTN barriers as they cause gridlock, increase journey length and export pollution to our neighbours. They are not green or fair.
I strongly support 20mph speed limits – but they only work if they are enforced. Stopping speeding traffic will be a top priority.
I support policies that help local shops and businesses to recover.
I back fair enforcement of rules to address problems of noise, parking, and rubbish strewn streets.
I will press the council to support people to insulate their homes to address higher fuel bills and reduce pollution.
I will work with local groups tackling issues of poverty to highlight the causes of poverty and ensure that people do not go hungry.
I will campaign for the council to prioritise homes for key workers and for planning that sustains diversity in our neighbourhood.
I will work for social justice and social inclusion and listen to local voices.
Let’s make St Mary’s flourish!
Please help by supporting my campaign

Contact me by email
To support us, volunteer, canvas or help leafletting please email:
Contact me by phone
Tel. 0772-690-6855
East Oxford is a diverse community
Oxford Food Hub
The centre of surplus food redistribution in Oxfordshire, rescuing surplus food from wholesalers, supermarkets, restaurants and more, and redistributing it to charities and community organisations across Oxfordshire.
Supported by donations, find out how you can get involved.
There are many community initiatives that help to make East Oxford a diverse and vibrant community. We have included just two of these where you can get involved.
Please note that this does not mean that these organisations endorse One St Mary's or John Skinner and his campaign.
East Oxford Community Centre
Used by a wide range of groups, from dance, yoga and tai chi classes, East Oxford Community Centre is a community venue for classes, worship, meetings, gigs and more.
Try something new.