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County delays LTN until after the election


Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Oxfordshire County Council has pushed back the introduction of LTNs in East Oxford to just the other side of the May elections – so voters will not be able to “try before they buy.”

The county has begun distributing letters for the programme of works for the three East Oxford LTNs and Quickways. The LTNs were approved at a meeting on 16 December by the leader of the council acting on her own.

Signs will start going up in mid-April with bollards and planters installed from mid-April to “early May”. The election is on May 5 so voters will not experience the reality of LTNs until after the city council elections.

John Skinner's Letter to Oxford Times published 18th March 2022

There will then be six months of “consultation” which will not be binding on the county council which says its decision will depend on factors “including feedback received from the ETRO [experimental traffic regulation order] consultation, traffic congestion and air quality monitoring.” The council could extend the time period, make the LTN permanent or end the scheme. But despite all three of those factors going against the scheme in Cowley, the council just keeps on extending its ‘experimental’ status.

This delay had already been predicted by John Skinner, the independent candidate for St Mary’s. In his first leaflet he wrote. “I predict they will delay the East Oxford schemes until after the election but that once they are installed they intend them to be permanent.”

“Quietways” - signposted cycle routes in East Oxford - will be introduced in June. But the timetable for Quickways (larger cycle lanes and restricted motor traffic lanes on Cowley and Iffley Roads Morrell Avenue, Warneford Lane, Marston Road and Henley Avenue/Rose Hill) has not been finalised.

Work will start in April and go on “across the summer”. This means that the bulk of the consultation period for LTNs will happen before the full impact of all the changes is felt.

The only way to stop this happening is to vote for Independent candidates and send the county a message

Speaking after the council letter was sent out John Skinner said: “This is a predictable and cynical timetable. The County knows that their scheme will have horrendous impacts on the main roads and on local businesses or they would have ensured it was in place before the election. Some people will vote hoping for the best and if they don’t like what they see it will be too late. The only way to stop this happening is to vote for Independent candidates and send the county a message.”



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Notes from Your Doorstep 20/2/2022

John Skinner

Marston Street






Tel: 0772-690-6855

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